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Avenues to Wellness (ATW) was established by the Frank R. Howard Foundation in August 2013. The program was conceived after many months of brainstorming by a handful of health care professionals and the Board Members of the Foundation. The goal was to a bring a free-of-charge, whole-health approach to the community at large. ATW offers health education classes, support groups, and speakers presenting a variety of health related topics. We seek to collaborate with other agencies to encourage local residents to maximize their well-being. We strive to increase the wellness of the entire community from Redwood Valley to Round Valley


What is Wellness?

Wellness is a multi-faceted state of holistic health (whole health), incorporating physical, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental influences.

Wellness is not passive. It is the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. Another way to understand wellness is to think of it on a continuum. On one end people with poor health engage with medical help to treat illness, they interact re-actively with clinicians when they are ill. On the opposite end of the continuum people who are wellness minded, act pro-actively, focusing on prevention and maximizing their health and vitality. For example, they adopt lifestyles that prevent disease. They take a self-management approach to health.


To ensure the strength and vitality of the ATW program, please consider making a donation to the Frank R. Howard Foundation/ATW

The Foundation is a non-profit 501c3: #94-1196197




Frank R. Howard Foundation
The Frank R. Howard Foundation's mission is to establish, promote and support programs that maintain, as well as improve, health care for the community of Willits and the entire Northern Mendocino County area.​ The construction of the new Frank R. Howard Foundation Medical Campus represents a local, ongoing commitment to the communities of Northern Mendocino County to provide quality healthcare. The Board of Directors for the Howard Foundation is in alignment with goals regarding the construction and operation of a medical campus that serves as a comprehensive center for healing and wellness. As such, the Foundation has been working hard to establish complementary programs such as ATW.  Discover more about the Howard Foundation at

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Three Marcela Dr., Ste. A

Willits, CA 95490

Tel: 707-456-9676   

FAX: 707-459-2625


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